domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

Braveheart - Freedom Speech (Scottish accent)


Braveheart es una película ganadora de cinco Premios de la Academia, incluyendo el Oscar a la Mejor película, estrenada en 1995. Es una película épica basada en la vida de William Wallace, un héroe nacional escocés. Mel Gibson dirigió, produjo y protagonizó la película. Para más información pulse aquí

First, we will read part of Braveheart's script, particularly William Wallace's Freedom Speech:

The Almighty says this must be a
fashionable fight, it's drawn the
finest people.

Where is thy salute?

For presenting yourselves on this
battlefield, I give you thanks.

This is our army. To join it, you
give homage.

I give homage to Scotland. And if
this is your army, why does it go?

We didn't come to fight for them!

Home! The English are too many!

Sons of Scotland!... I am William

William Wallace is seven feet tall!

Yes, I have heard! He kills men by
the hundreds! And if he were here,
he would consume the English with
fireballs from his eyes, and bolts
of lightning from his ass!

Many laugh -- all get the point.

I am William Wallace. And my enemies
do not go away. I saw our good nobles
hanged. My wife... I am William
Wallace. And I see a whole army of
my countrymen, here in defiance of
tyranny. You have come to fight as
free men. And free men you are! What
will you do without freedom? Will you

Two thousand, against ten? We will
run -- and live!

Yes. Fight and you may die. Run and
you will live, at least awhile. And
dying in your bed many years from
now, would you be willing to trade
all the days from this day to that,
for one chance to come back here as
young men, and tell our enemies that
they make take our lives, but they
will never take our freedom!!!

Then, we will watch a fragment of the film which coincides with that of the previous script (William Wallace's Freedom Speech):

Finally, watch the video as many times as you can in order to get every single word said. This is a way of improving your listening as well as having fun while watching a movie ;)

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